Saturday, October 12, 2019

Do You Have a Non-Winnable Case?

There are some instances which present facts that are, realistically speaking, not winnable.
At least not at first.

If your case is not difficult, then it likely to be one where you can win something, as opposed to nothing. Some difficult cases are not really something you can win, and will be forced to settle. Other cases could be settled but the clients don't necessarily want to do that.

The difference between what the client wants and what the client can get is one thing. However, attorney herein will often get what the client wants simply because attorney will not give up when there is a possibility of changing something important.

What attorney has seen in various cases, is that many people don't want to settle their cases and don't want to lose either. Some of the more difficult cases usually involve fighting over time share of kids, and then the division of property.  While it doesn't usually make a lot of sense to go too far overboard, it is true that some things can be won, but it may depend on the costs. Also, some clients just want to roll over the other party just "because"----???

Regardless of client's choices or desires, attorney has worked on some of the most difficult cases ever imagined over the years, including civil and criminal litigation, and cases in the news, newspapers (family law --and criminal law--when there were printed newspapers!), and precedential decision at SPB (on sexual harassment) plus federal litigation both in California and Denver, Colorado. Additionally attorney is well versed in animal law and litigation on various animal law issues.

If you have a difficult case, feel free to call attorney Chan at  916.794-5777. One of the few attorneys known for taking the cases other attorneys won't touch!